Rochelle Pharmacy is an independently- owned community pharmacy with a long tradition of providing quality medication services. We also offer home healthcare equipment for sale or for rent. Our team of pharmacists and certified pharmacy technicians takes pride in working with your doctors, nurses, dentists, and other healthcare providers to improve your health. Please contact us to discover how the professional team at Rochelle Pharmacy can help with your medication and healthcare needs!
With this opportunity, I would like to express my sincere gratitude towards you all and my team who has worked here in the past and present. My team has been the greatest support in making it possible for us all to be able to provide the service that we promise to you. Because of the trust and confidence you instilled in our ever-growing and changing family these past twenty years, we have improved and reached heights I could have never foreseen. Your satisfaction in the care we provide directly impacts our drive and dedication to work hard and surpass expectations.
The vision of Rochelle Pharmacy is to facilitate the development of community pharmacy practice that is patient-focused and an integral part of an accessible, quality-based health system. As a result of our vision, our patients will be well-informed about their medications and encouraged to take ownership of their health as we work together to promote optimal health and wellness.
Our mission is to make Rochelle Pharmacy the preferred community pharmacy for our patients by adhering to the highest standards of pharmacy practice, providing innovative and evidence-based solutions to patient care, educating patients to promote the best use of medications, and effectively collaborating with other healthcare professionals.
Health promotion services include a broad range of educational tools that empower patients to take control of their health. Health services include disease education classes, natural foods, nutraceuticals, and supplements.